Elisir Novasalus


A natural amaro of medicinal herbs made from a careful blend of infusions, decoctions, maceration of flowers, roots and herbs in aromatic wine – this is the pride of our product range.

Created towards the end of the First World War, on its centenary it is still prepared according to the original formula, methods and production times.

The secret of its formula lies in the exact combination and doses of the numerous constituent plants (more than 30 including Burdock, Dandelion, Aloe Vera, Gentian, Frangula).
Elisir Novasalus helps all the organs to work better (stomach, liver, gall bladder, intestines, pancreas and colon) improving the functioning of the organism thus avoiding the need for drastic interventions.

  • It is a complete product, easy to use, that conserves all the benefits of the medicinal herbs without complicating the how-to-use instructions.
  • It can be used only when needed or for long periods without causing any problems.
  • To be taken after meals to help digestion, changes in climate or season, quench the thirst of a hot summer’s day, or as an irreplaceable friend in everyday life.
Genziana f
GENZIANA (Gentiana lutea)
Pianta tipica delle zone di montagna. Si utilizza la radice di almeno 2 anni. Ha una azione amaro tonica, curando inappetenza e cattiva digestione. Stimola la secrezione della bile
aloe f
ALOE (Aloe ferox Miller)
Pianta della famiglia delle Liliacee ha foglie carnose e fiori da lungo fusto rossi o gialli. In erboristeria si utilizza il succo che viene estratto per spremitura incidendo le foglie. Assunto per via orale è depurativo e digestivo. 
tarassaco f
  TARASSACO (Taraxacum officinale)
  Vengono utilizzate sia la radice che le foglie. Rimedio ottimo nelle disfunzioni del fegato, depura ed aumenta la secrezione biliare.
Bardana f
  BARDANA (Arctium lappa)
  Caratteristica pianta erbacea cresce lungo le strade e nei terreni incolti. Ha proprietà diuretiche e depurative sia per uso esterno che interno. 

Name and brand name registered


mountain herbs
bitterish, herbal, fresh; leaves a fresh and clean mouth
0,75 lt - 0,50 lt - 0,05 lt
Alcohol content:
16% vol.
Bottle: GL71 glass ,Cap: aluminum C/ALU90 (Check the regulations of your municipality)

It’s also the perfect base for particular cocktails.

Served in small glasses, straight or with ice, as a correttivo to coffee, or with added water. Its power as a digestif is augmented when drunk warm 

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